True friendship lasts a lifetime. Although we are separated by a great distance, my long-time friend and I decided it was time for a holiday. He lives in Italy and I live in the UK. Of course, we can always catch up through video chat, but there is nothing quite like spending time together. We decided on the picturesque views of the Tuscan countryside from the Castelfalfi Resort in Montaione.
Home Can Come With You
I felt instantly at home with my dear friend and we couldn’t have selected a more appropriate setting. We spent much of our time within the resort in stimulating conversation. The layout takes full advantage of the countryside, which was even more inspiring at sunset. We had the visual contrast you desire while on holiday as well as the comforts of home you crave from wherever you find yourself in your travels. You must always bring a few comforts of home with you, beyond your daily grooming essentials. For me, this includes my favorite tea and my Loungers slippers.
Quality Is In The Details
Our accommodations delivered every luxurious amenity we desired. Both nature and luxury. Located on an agricultural estate, we tasted the resort’s organic wine and olive oil and learned the great care required to grow quality organic crops. From planting, maintaining, and harvesting grapes and olives to the detailed process required to manufacture and bottle perfect batches. These lessons reminded me that everything of importance deserves great attention to detail. Like long-distance friendship, it only survives the distance because we are both invested in quality engagement. This is a theme I know well as it mirrors the care we take to design, select the materials for, and craft every pair of indoor slippers.
Grateful To Be Alive
2020 has been a year none of us could have planned or prepared for. It has forced us to reprioritize our life by highlighting what really matters most, and what doesn’t really matter. It’s challenged us to find gratitude for things both large and small. Our family and friends have kept us connected and engaged and even when things return to our “new normal”, we will weight each decision we make to ensure it is aligned with our elevated intentions. For me, this means a higher quality in everything. From how I dedicate my time to the value of purchases—beyond the price tag.
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